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Reading in School

At Kingfisher Hall Primary Academy, we aim for all our children to become fluent, confident readers who are passionate about reading. Children who read regularly or are read to regularly can open the doors to so many different worlds! Reading will give your child the tools to become independent life-long learners. We can achieve this together 

Reading Overview 

At KHA we have embedded a developmental approach to reading that builds progressively on children’s reading skills whilst fostering a love of reading. Our reading approach consist of five distinct areas:

1. Phonics 

2. Dialogical book talk

3. Guided reading 

4. Whole class reading 

5. A love of reading 

The structure and teaching of reading within each area has been thoroughly researched to ensure that children learn reading skills and behaviours appropriate for their age and stage of learning. Assessment Foci, the reading tool kit and reading behaviours link each area of the reading approach.

  • Phonics
  • Bespoke RWI programme in Reception, Y1 and Y2
  • Speed sounds
  • Spellings
  • Reading fluency
  • Loaning Library in the school office 

EYFS- Dialogical Book Talk

- Introducing children to language which is more abstract and not heard in everyday conversation in order to increase their vocabulary. 

- Learning basic reading skills: how to hold a book, turn the pages, read from left to right. 

- Early conversations using the pictures and key words to discuss what the story might be about. 

- Children to lead discussion as much as possible, teacher to facilitate with questions such as, “I wonder…”. Prompt the children to say something, expand the response and repeat it back to the child.

- Create a love of reading with high quality texts. 

- Small groups weekly. 

- One to one reading happens in Reception linked to the child’s attainment.

Y1-Yr2 (Autumn Term 1 Y3)- Guided Reading 

- Teacher led group: introduce the book and discuss key vocab using pictures to support. Questions are linked to AFs and previous assessments. Children to read independently whilst CT focuses on particular children, listening to them read and questioning their understanding. The toolbox is used as a strategy to help children to breakdown the text. 

- Independent activities: focused activities linked to AFs. This could be a follow up of their teacher led group, comprehension, phonics based, sequencing, listening station etc.  Children work collaboratively in pairs so that good quality talk for reading takes place. 

KS2 - Whole Class Reading 

- Based on a whole text for the half term 

- Where appropriate, this core text will have cross curricular links to the wider curriculum 

- Each week focuses on a new skills and strategy, ensuring these become embedded.  (Predicating, Clarifying, Questioning, Making links, Inference, Summarising, Evaluating) 

- Teaching strategies to break down new vocabulary (root word, word class, context synonyms/antonyms, dictionary) 

- Adaptive teaching will take place through: pre- teaching, partner or adult support, Lexia online reading support, use of Guided Reading where appropriate 

Developing a Love for Reading

We plan many opportunities to continue to develop a love for reading.

- Author visits 

- Class libraries 

- Spotlight on Authors 

- Regular library visits in school and local library 

- Buddy Reading with HHA sixth form student 

- Reading in the outside environment

- KS1 reading café

- Golden Ticket Reading vending Machine 

Reading Spine

We have a Reading Spine from Nursery to Year six for teachers to use as the end of the day story. The books in this collection have been chosen to stretch vocabulary, expose children to different structures and time frames, encourage critical and analytical thinking and promote a love of reading.

Our reading spine is based on research by Doug Lemov on the 5 Five Plagues of the Developing Reader. In essence this ensures that children are exposed to a rich variety of texts and vocabulary and gradually builds children’s stamina and familiarity with stories that allow them to develop the skills that they will need to dissect more complex texts at Secondary School.  

What is Read Write Inc?

Read Write Inc (RWI) is a phonics programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling.  It also allows them to spell effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into composing what they write. The children are assessed by the RWI lead teacher and grouped according to their ability. 

Small group phonics lessons are taught daily in Early Year and KS1 by trained staff and there are consistent expectations across the range of abilities. At the end of each half term the children are assessed to check on their progress and regrouped. We will support our most vulnerable readers with extra one-to-one teaching every day through high quality intervention using the RWI programme. 

Children learn sounds in school which help them to read and write. They then practice these skills through reading their decodable phonics book and home reader matched to their ability at home, which are specifically pitched to both consolidate learning and provide challenge in an engaging and fun way! 

Phonics screening check 

The phonics screening check is a national test all children in year 1 take to assess their phonic knowledge. Children will be asked to read 40 words. 20 real words and 20 pseudo words (Alien words.) Pseudo words are used to test children’s ability to read unfamiliar words using their decoding skills. The check takes place on a one-one basis with the Phonics lead in the middle of June. 

If a child does not achieve the expected score, (usually 32/40 words correctly) they will be given extra support until they re-take the test in year 2. 

Watch a video about Read, Write, Inc

Read Write Inc. – Free resources for families

Welcome to the Read Write Inc. page on Oxford Owl, a great website packed with lots of free resources to help you at home.

Parents and carers can access 27 Read Write Inc. Phonics eBook titles for extra practice with their children at home, plus three Fresh Start Anthologies. 62 Speed Sound Practice Sheets are also available to download. 

Parents will need to create a free account on Oxford Owl for Home to access the eBooks.

You can find all the resources here.

Check out some fantastic free ebooks here.