Blended learning strategy and information for parents on remote learning

At CHAT Academies, which runs our family of 5 schools, we are committed to providing high quality 'blended learning' for all children through our home learning approach and our Covid-19 strategy.

In January 2021 the government produced a new framework to support schools in England to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their remote education provision.

This framework aims to help schools to:
•    identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their school or trust’s remote education provision
•    find resources (including training), guidance and networks to help them improve their provision

At Cuckoo and Woodpecker Hall Academies our aim is to ensure:
•    All children have access to the internet, when this becomes more freely available through government initiatives.
•    All families have at least one device for home learning and where possible all children have their own device.
•    Our online opportunities provide a learning experience that is appealing and that delivers successful learning outcomes.

We welcome feedback at all times from our families about how we can improve what we are doing.

You can read our full strategy for each school

Read Cuckoo Hall Academy here.

Read Woodpecker Academy Hall here.

Read Kingfisher Academy here.

Read Enfield Heights Academy here.

Read Heron Hall Academy here.